> "Knowledge is like a garden; if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested." ![](https://i.imgur.com/MolkDJP.png) **My name is [[About Gardener|Patricia Parkinson]] – my stream of thought waters this garden.** The word [[kosmic]] is derived from the verb “kosmeo” (κόσμεω), which means “to arrange, order, or adorn". Tending the garden is my way of ordering and bringing harmony to my mind and life. This space can be known as my knowledge garden, digital notebook, second brain, commonplace book, [[zettelkasten]], or life wiki. **Time spent in the garden is about cultivating possibilities in life.** Often the possibility is already there and waiting to be seen. Gardening – or knowledge management – is a practice related to cultivating knowledge. This practice helps me organize my learning and cognitive processes. **The notes I tend to are primarily for my own reference and use.** Because of this, most notes will be unfinished and poorly formatted, but they're still relevant and interesting enough that I choose to share them – in the hope that they benefit you in some way. I attempt to attribute originators and you can always ask me to add citation. ## Explore the Garden Every garden needs a map. You can choose to follow the [[Guided Path]] or take a [[Self Directed Path]]. Use search, backlinks and the knowledge graph to go deeper.